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April 2019

April 24, 2019
World Day for Animals in Laboraotries
Today is World Day for Animals in Laboratories, a day to remember all of the animals who are currently used in harmful experiments and those who have suffered in the past. Thank you for helping these chimps -- who have endured so much -- live out the rest of their lives in peace! Now, chimps like Samantha, pictured here, are able to thrive at Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge because of your incredible support!
March 2019

March 28, 2019
The team responds to a bush fire
We recently had a bit of a scare when a sudden bush fire came dangerously close to our offices. Thankfully, no one was hurt and the fire was far from any of the chimpanzee islands. While there was some significant damage to our water pipes, none of our office buildings or structures were damaged. We are so proud of our staff’s quick response and we are incredibly grateful to the Roberts International Airport Fire Brigade, who came to our rescue! Please consider donating to help ensure we are always prepared for any emergency – we couldn’t do this important work without you!

March 3, 2019
Celebrating World Wildlife Day!

Happy World Wildlife Day! Created by the United Nations, this annual celebration marks the anniversary of the enactment of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), a multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals around the globe. This year’s theme is “Life below water: for people and planet." Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge relies on the estuary islands that lie between the Farmington and Little Bassa rivers to provide a safe and naturalistic habitat for the more than 60 chimpanzees in our care. This incredible mangrove ecosystem, called the Marshall Wetlands, is teeming with life. In fact, mangroves are among the most important and productive ecosystems in the world. They are the only species of trees that can grow in salt water because they excrete the salt, which would otherwise be toxic, through their waxy leaves. Mangroves provide an intricate habitat that supports a lot of life above the water, but even more below. Thousands of fish, amphibians, and crustaceans thrive in mangrove ecosystems, especially during their juvenile stages of life. The complex root systems of mangroves trap large amounts of sediment, creating entire islands and protecting them from coastal erosion. We strongly advocate for sustainable practices in all mangrove habitats, as they are globally under threat due to the use of dynamite in fishing, uncontrolled harvesting of resources, and pollution. Join us in proudly celebrating World Wildlife Day and the life below water that’s vital to wellbeing of wildlife and humans alike! #WorldWildlifeDay
January 2019

We have an exciting update to share that demonstrates how your generous donations are driving real progress at Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge Liberia. Thanks to your kindness, we've constructed a new water tower that holds fresh water for the chimps and can withstand the heavy currents, saltwater, and winds that come in from the ocean. Building the tower took close to three weeks to complete and we couldn't have done it without YOU. The entire team is incredibly thankful for your support and compassion for these amazing animals!